Wednesday, May 24, 2006

home again home again

So just to let everyone know, im home and safe and sound and inland and all that other stuff. i wont be using the blog again until the next adventure, which actually shouldnt be too far off. depending on time and internet and my need for a break from family, i might be blogging again in china in about a month. should be good fun.
i wont do any sort of synopsis or "lofty thoughts with katy" but roatan was amazing and beautiful and will happen again sometime. i recommend the island, the people, and the activity of diving to any and all, as long as youre okay with such consequences keeping in touch with amazing people and repeatedly dreaming about being underwater. it happens.
okay, so i love emails and i like knowing what you guys are up to. so lets do that.

Monday, May 08, 2006


well, my bipolarity is in full effect these days. i dont have too much longer in west end, what has become one of my alltime favorite places on this ole ball. so im in full force with missing home and missing here and wanting to part myself right down the middle-- my two bits could just wish each other well, and promise to write and visit and keep each other updated. but alas, i suppose a win win is better than a lose lose, right?
the last week has been rather eventful, as all the major trials for a dmt, and of course all the hazing, comes right at the end. and since its such a dive culture here, the trying and the hazing could rival most of the worlds fraternities and militaries. oy. i dont have too too much time right now, and for fear of boring the masses, feel free to ask me about the snorkel test and the stress test. good ones. okay, less time than i thought, but ill try to write again soon.
all my love.