Saturday, March 18, 2006

Divemaster diverson

kimberly's here! my little travel buddy arrived wednesday and is currently passed out on our couch/bed, sleeping soundly. we've occupied ourselves pretty well thus far with sun and books and beer in the ocean. we dont really get sick of each other at all, since i kind of work at the diveshop now and spend much my day there. i work there now. funny.
how did this develop, you ask? well ill tell ya. i came to roatan with sara and amber for their "last week." we were meant to sit on sand and vegetate and decompress from our maniacal travelling. right. we somehow ended up getting certified to dive and never even making it to the real beach. alas. after a week's stint in costa rica, i returned here and was properly roped into the advanced course. at about this time my trip was mysteriously extended, and i was tragically forced to be here for another month or so. naturally, i finished up my emergency first responder training and am currently in the middle of my rescue diver course, to be finished tomorrow. from there, ill be a divemaster trainee. hee hee...
so there it stands. ill be in paradise for at least another month or so, working in the diveshop, talking to people, and diving like crazy.

this is a picture of the diveshop with duncan and katy in the hammocks. a humble little space, but i spend many an hour there, and the view of the ocean is perfect. the picture was taken from the dirt road that separates the shop from the dock and the water.
yesterday i did my first rescue scenario... whoa. this consists of me going on a normal, inconspicuous dive when suddenly (the strategy is "when im not paying attention") someone pretends to sink to the bottom, panic, stop breathing, etc. yesterday it was anders, a swedish dmt who spontaneously lost consciousness. swedes are heavy. but i got him up and gave him cpr and almost killed myself dragging him into the boat. he lived and i dont think he suffered too much braindamage.

this is me with nick's kittens in my bed. theyre stupid cute. every morning, he throws them into my couch/bed to wake me up. its really no wonder im always in a good mood here. but it makes me miss thomas, and even guppy a little too. okay, kids, im going to the beach, but email me. paz.


At 6:37 AM, Blogger Sara said...

I am sitting in a room without heat while it's barely 30 degrees outside scheming ways to make money to pay for rent.... while you are living in Roatan diving and drinking Port Royal and having fun. I am so jealous I could pee! Please allow Spike and I to live vicariously through your adventures... a.k.a. write about said adventures at length here.

At 6:13 AM, Blogger Danielle Jaje said...

i got a b-log too. mostly to use to keep people updated on life in krakow. i mish you and luff you.

are you a divemaster yet? master those dives.


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