Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Yay! so i think i got these to work. this first one is a picture of the whole dive shop staff, on a two tank dive at a site called Mary's Place. Mary's Place is probably the most famous site on the island, its in a bunch of like discover channel stuff and its amazing. katy probably said it best when she equated it to a dr. seuss book. beautiful.

so yeah, ill have to write more about the Mary's Place later, but it was amazing. this picture was taken on the way back, the "booze cruise" so to speak. generally speaking, 15 people who have just had two amazing dives, with the sun shining and the wind in your hair, make for a good photo. in order, its me, duncan, katy, roy, luke, anders, mel, and nick. this picture is katy and i underwater. we're getting better at diving, but i guess our underwater photography skills could use some work. still, this one makes us laugh like crazy, so i thought id pass it on.

this last one is pretty golden. its a shot of the staff dive we did yesterday, with me, anders, katy, luke, mel, and roy. im on the far left giving the ole trusty thumbs up. the lights pretty strange, but lots of strange things happen at 130 feet. ill try to post the picture of katy's and my dance competition if i can.

anyway, i think im off to utila today, a nearby island, to try to see some whale sharks. ill pee if i see a whale shark. if i get to swim with one, ill just thank God for a good life and swim with them until my air runs out, and die happy. either way, it'll be awesome.


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