Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Resurrection Day!

what a strange place to be for easter.
today is the last day of semana santa, or holy week, here in roatan... a giant, weeklong debaucherous festival in grand central american fashion. reggaeton, rum, and skin skin skin!!!
ive got to wonder how traditions like this begin. i mean, surely someone doesnt just wake up one morning and say "this is the week of the crucifixion of jesus. we should all get shit faced, set off fireworks, and spread diseases. yay!" okay, seriously though, i feel the dichotomy today and its throwing me off a little.
ive also come to realize some things. mariachi music is insufferable. just because you add vibrato doesnt mean it sounds nice. out of tune horns are instruments of torture. further, i detest shakira and discriminate against anyone who doesnt. so there.
on a better note, this morning, katy, mel, and i executed the easter egg hunt that we'd been working on since yesterday. the three of us, and all the boys, did a sort of clue hunt this morning-- where you get a clue out of a cup and have to go to the place in the dive shop where your "easter egg" is. the "easter egg" is a snickers bar and a piece of paper. each paper indicates a service from one of the shop people, created by me and katy and mel. apparently, i will be giving duncan cheerleading lessons for a minimum of 2 minutes. LOUDLY. sheesh.
after that, we did a staff dive, since our divers left yesterday and we hadnt signed any more up by the end of the day. we did an amazing wall dive, were able to go pretty wonderfully deep, and took duncan's camera down to take pictures underwater. soon, i might be able to pass on a picture of myself underwater! kickass! i got the giggles so bad with katy, i sucked a little water. hee hee.
im having trouble with the idea of leaving here. i think my mind is going through something like this:
im tired of travelling and im really ready to be home with some creature comforts and the people i love the most (and of course my kitty, and good food, and the gates, and...). but i dont feel like im travelling when im here, i feel like ive done a bit of a move. i have an apartment and a couple jobs, a good little friend group and a schedule. most importantly, i have those little places and things that make a place "mine." and im not ready to move again, just as im getting settled. alas. but really i know im in a good place when i love both options.
alrighty, im going to go look at flights and get back to work. email me. or post. or both! :)


At 1:57 PM, Blogger Danielle Jaje said...

you do not know the joy and warm fuzzies it brings to my heart to hear you say you hate shakira.


At 7:57 PM, Blogger Jen said...

i miss you. come home. i'll be there for 3 weeks. er. 2. but come home.


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