Tuesday, April 11, 2006

blah blah blah

little piper is here.

she's freaking cute, guys, well done.
okay, shameless plug for my new baby aside, things are going swimmingly down here. (ha! swimmingly...) yes, in fact i have decided to extend my trip a wee bit longer. and no, im not going to live here forever. come april's end or may's begin, i should be home. though i love it here, im missing the ham quite a lot and im excited about birmingham in the summer.
in news here, theres little news. i love our apartment and ive taken advantage of my new haven by boycotting going out for about a week. i broke the streak last night with quiz night-- whadda ya gonna do? my problem, and tell me if this might be a sign of greater things, is that quiz night is ass hard. my little team gathers all our randomest info and fat guesses, and we always come in second. now the first place team gets cash. the second place team gets shots. oy. first loser and drunk. a good place or a bad place to be?
but yes, i love our house and ive been pulling tea and chocolate nights for the last week or so. im ashamed to say i even watched some sex in the city episodes with a roommate. i was in need of my once in three months tv fix, and i dont care what you guys say, that show is a sign of the end times. no bueno. mostly katy and i wake up in the morning and eat granola and sit around in our underwear and tank tops with the breeze over the bay billowing through our room. we go to the dive shop from 8-5 and then she or i or both of us have work. this is a picture taken from the dive shop at sunset, overlooking our dock.

im now working at a restaurant called the argentinian and a bar (the purple turtle, amber and sara). after work, it goes one of two ways-- go out, drink, laugh, wander, and sometimes swim. make balleadas or buy them from the shady woman on the corner with shadier meat. giggle a lot and fall asleep. OR go home, make tea and eat chocolate, read, fall asleep. either way, one of the best parts of the day is coming to the house at night and hearing all the little crabbies scurry out of the way and back into their holes in the sand. they can make quite the racket. its lovely though, barring the perils of walking the minefield thats created by their little homes. tequila + sand traps = danger.
the only real downfall of the apartment is the toilet, but ya know, what would developing world travelling be without toilet woes. in short, ours does not flush, with any amount of coaxing. one must pour a bucket of water in the bowl and wish for the best. other than that, and the occasional gluttonous mosquito, its amazing.
okay, im at work right now, so ill head back next door. i think i might be leading the next dive. :)


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