Sunday, March 12, 2006


yay pictures!!!
if the stars are aligned and my fingers are crossed and i upload them one at a time, i can get some pictures up here. super!
the first is amber and sara and i sitting in half moon bay a couple days after we arrived in roatan. pre-diving. the second is a hilarious sleeping bird whose head completely recedes into its round fluffy body when its sleeps. i freaking loved that bird. then thats marti and i in monteverde, at the continental divide. funny that all the water on one side of you flows to the atlantic and all on the other side goes to the pacific. spit one way and it meets africa, spit the other and it goes to china. very cool.
the third is a pretty recent photo of me, jamen, duncan, katie, and tom in west bay. days off from diving are few and far between here, but on this day it just so happened that quite a few of my good friends here had a little time. so we went to the swanky beach and played frisbee in the water and drank monkey la las. katy (on the right) and jamen are probably two of my favorite people ever.

this is a picture of me and my current casa. that little couch is my bed and i dont really have anything else. i think i might need to make some adjustments before kimberly comes on wednesday...
a little update... i think i might be into this whole diving thing. ive done my open water and advanced certifications, and if all goes right ill be doing my search and rescue, and potentially my divemaster before i leave. i dive everyday and wish i dove more. today i swam with a giant hawksbill sea turtle with two remoras attached. not freaking bad.
ill probably get a little job and finish out my trip here, diving and not carrying my 35 pound pack around sweltering central america. anyone have any thoughts about this? email me.


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