Sunday, March 05, 2006

Roatan, Phase dos

hidy ho!
well, marti and i parted ways saturday at the bloody crack of dawn, that sucked. i had a ton of fun with her, and for the little time that she was here, we conquered costa rica. we saw some cool shit in the forest, foremost of which, for me, was a lolinga. super duper cute. we had quite a little adventure trying to get dinner our last night in san jose, something which should have theoretically been one of the easier things to do in central america. after checking out a local karaoke bar sung in drunken spanish, an overpriced italian place, and a place that had RUN OUT OF BEANS, we threw up our hands and went to what looked like a dive bar called restaurante peru.
well, restaurante peru was a honduran restaurant run by chinese, and we think, might have been a house of ill repute. there were two men by the window who persisted and attempting to bring us beers, as if another would be more pleasing than the first, and i think one kissed marti's hand. ha! there was also a honduran wicked witch of the west lookalike with hair extensions, and a guy that marti nicknamed mad eye moody. the topper was the white honduran gangsta with a fanny pack and about 6 gold chains around his neck. oy. we ate our comida typica stirfry and got the hell outta there.
im back in roatan now, and i just started my advanced certification. to cut costs, i think ill be moving in with a couple of the dive instructors, sleeping on their couch. totally free, but since ill have a kitchen, i might once in a while cook for them. roatan is beautful and amazing and i saw a seahorse yesterday. mf cute as crap.
diving is going to be my downfall. i do it all day and night and then i dream about it. its like flying, but more interesting and you have a better view. my only complaint is that i cant take the arcade fire down with me and cry like a little bitch into my mask. not too bad a complaint, really. but seriously, im playing wth sea turtles and sting rays and crazy fish and giant lobsters, and having a ball.
so im off, i have to do another dive in a couple hours and call the airline to extend my trip.


At 4:41 PM, Blogger katy said...

a band. the band. right now. whatever, good stuff.


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